We perform high quality dental care for the whole family. We work as a team to give you as patient the best possible care. TBN Tandhälsa is constantly absorbing the development of dental care through courses and fairs. TBN Tandhälsa has treated patients since 1983.
Leg. Tandläkare
Paula Nordström
Technical knowledge, creativity and dexterity are interests I use in my profession as a dentist every day. Sustainable and qualitative dental care with focus on the patient's preferences are key words at my clinic TBN Tandhälsa.
I have been a private dentist for 35 years and over the years have seen most things and learned a lot what goes and cannot be done in dental care. With competence comes quality and my experience has led me to be confident in my treatments, therefore I would never expose a patient to a treatment which is unsustainable or uncertain.
Being a dentist is a socially stimulating work where we get to meet many people of different characters. It is satisfying and fun to have the opportunity to solve dental and oral problems that our patients have.
In addition to my clinical work, I have a special interest in root theraphy treatments and endodontics. This is an field and subject I hold courses and lectures about.

Dental hygienist
Dental nurse

Dental student